Identity of Adcorn viral advertising automation service

  • Naming
  • Logo
  • Branding
Identity of Adcorn viral advertising automation service


Adcorn helps companies and bloggers quickly and inexpensively attract customers and followers from social media.

The bureau came up with the service's name, logo and identity.


The service uses face-to-face selling. Salespeople explain the product at conferences, meet-ups and private presentations. Later, potential customers are 'caught' by contextual advertising with promotions and free webinars.

Consistent, recognisable graphics were required for all touch points.


The name is made up of two words: advertising and popcorn. It reflects the essence of the service: the explosive spread of advertising through entertainment and communication.

In the logo we illustrated the idea of spreading viral advertising — from person to person. We reflected this as a continuous process of sharing.

Based on an analysis of competitors and similar services, we chose a unique combination of round shapes with a blue and scarlet gradient combined with light black and white illustrations. This combination always looks good and scales well.

The gradient refers to modern technology and the illustrations to antiquity and the very first way of transmitting information — from person to person.


The branded gradient, pattern and black and white illustrations easily brand any medium.

Branded gradient
Branding 2
Gradient 2

The bureau also designed a presentation of the service for personal sales to major clients.

Service presentation


In the logo we illustrated the idea of spreading viral advertising
Chose a unique combination of round shapes
  • Naming
  • Logo
  • Branding

Digital product

for complex, high-loaded multi-input digital services

We research, design, write text, 
help launch features and services, 
analyze metrics and develop

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